Code of Ethics

Sakthi College of Arts and Science is a community of cultured intellectuals. Everyone in this institution knows that freedom should be blended with sense of responsibility. The character of the Institution is built with discipline and harmony. Certain policies have been formed and communicated to all the members of the college community to strike the balance between freedom and responsibility and rights and duties, in the pursuit of knowledge and intellect. The Core Values cherished by the institution are -

  • Integrity: All the activities should be conducted in an ethical manner. Research and teaching shall be carried out in an environment of academic freedom and honesty.
  • Accountability: The roles and responsibilities are assigned and there is accountability for the deed of everyone in the college.
  • Responsibility: Everybody in the college is expected to discharge his/her duties with due responsibility.
  • Transparency: The functioning of the college is kept transparent for the view and suggestion of the stakeholders.
  • Respect of Individual: Dignity and respect of an individual is observed, at all occasions, especially during interactions.
  • Faculty Empowerment: The College attempts to promote and encourage faculty in their individual academic development and provides scope for enhancement in their participation in general governance.
  • Service to Nation: The College is aware of promoting the skilled manpower, as that is the true service to our nation.
  • Environmental Protection: Every member of the College takes part in protecting the flora and fauna and promoting the ecological and environmental condition.

The Statutory Regulatory Authorities of the college have framed ‘Code of Conduct’ for the students of Sakthi College of Arts and Science.

  • Assuming an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the norms of the college.
  • Being responsible for his/her own actions.
  • Getting involved only in activities that are likely to maintain the prestige of the college.
  • Attending the Common Prayer in the morning in the college campus is compulsory.
  • Coming to college in uniform dress, so that the students belonging to all economic strata are accommodated equally.
  • Indulging in malpractices during test/examination or knowingly furnishing false information is prohibited.
  • Making regular attendance to the college and presence in the classes during working hours is mandatory.
  • Showing any behaviour obstructing teaching, research, administration, other proceedings or activities in the campus are entitled for punishment.
  • Indulging in ragging in any form of action like teasing or treating freshers or any other students with rudeness is entitled for disciplinary action.
  • Maintaining cleanliness in the classrooms, laboratories and the campus in general is compulsory.
  • Being aware of protecting the Natural resources, Energy, Environment and the common properties of the college is the responsibility of every individual.

The Statutory Regulatory Authorities of the college have framed ‘Code of Conduct’ for the students. The code of conduct for faculty normally addresses the matters to related conduct of teachers such as teaching, learning, evaluation, relationship with the students, associated staff, management, parents and all other stakeholders. Generally, the teachers are expected to fulfil their duties and responsibilities with moral and professional ethics. In addition, certain norms are made mandatory for the teachers of Sakthi College of Arts and Science.

  • Adhering to a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanour expected of them by the community.
  • Seeking to make professional growth continuous through study and research.
  • Taking active and intellectual participation in professional meetings, seminars, conference etc. towards the contribution of knowledge.
  • Maintaining active membership in professional organizations and striving to improve education and profession through them.
  • Performing duties in the form of teaching, tutorial, practical, seminar and research work conscientiously and with dedication.
  • Co-operating in carrying out works relating to the educational responsibilities of the Institute
  • Assisting in appraising applications for admission, conduct of examinations, including supervision, invigilation and evaluation
  • Participating in extension, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including community service.
  • Discharging their professional responsibilities according to the existing rules and adhering to procedures and methods consistent with their profession
  • Refraining from undertaking any other employment and commitment including private tuitions and coaching classes which are likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities.
  • Co-operating with the authorities for the betterment of the institutions keeping in view the interest and in conformity with dignity of the profession.
  • Refraining from availing leave except on unavoidable grounds and as far as practicable with prior intimation, keeping in view their particular responsibility for completion of academic schedule.

The Head of an institution is solely responsible for addressing and resolving all issues concerned with the stakeholders of education. Sakthi College of Arts and Science has framed an explicit definition of the standards of professional conduct expected from the Principal.
Responsibility of the Principal:
Subject to the supervision and general control of the management, the Principal shall be responsible for-

  • Academic growth of the college.
  • Participation of faculty and students in the teaching, learning, research and training programmes in and outside the college.
  • Planning and implementation of academic programmes such as refresher/orientation course, seminars, in-service and other training programmes organized for the academic competence of the faculty.
  • Admission of students in the college
  • Maintenance of discipline of the college
  • Integrity in maintenance of accounts
  • Overall administration of the college and its annexures such as laboratories, library, hostels etc
  • Correspondence relating to the administration of the college
  • Administration and supervision of curricular, co-curricular/extracurricular or extra-mural, students welfare activities.
  • Observance of the Act, Statutes, Ordinance, Regulation, Rules and other Orders issued there under by the University Grants Commission and other such statutory bodies.
  • Monitoring the conduction of the examination, evaluation and publication of results etc
  • Maintenance of Self –Assessment Reports of teachers and their service Books.
  • Any other work relating to the administration of the college , as may be assigned to her by the Management from time to time.

Sakthi College of Arts and Science is run by a well-constituted Governing Body. The composition, functions and other conditions pertaining to the Governing Body shall be as prescribed in the Directive Principles made and accepted by the University Grants Commission, the Affiliating University, the Directorate of Collegiate Education and other such Statutory Bodies.

  • Decisions and resolutions made by the Governing Body and the Trust are obligatory.
  • The members of Governing Body shall maintain their character, transparency, mannerism and good image.
  • No property of Trust will be used for personal benefits.
  • Decisions regarding the welfare of the college will be taken only after a detailed discussion in the higher level meetings conducted by the Governing Body.
  • The adoption of promotional measures for the faculty, staff and the students will be discussed and passed through the Principal and not by having personal communication with the employee.
  • If any misbehaviour and action of any employee defames the college, the Governing Body will oblige the legal action by the government either on the culprit or the institution
  • The Governing Body will always imbibe the development of the college and not the monetary benefits out of it.

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Contact Us

The Principal
Sakthi College of Arts and Science for Women
Sakthi Nagar, Dindigul-Palani Main Road, Palakanuthu (P.O),
Oddanchatram, Dindigul,
Tamilnadu - 624619

Phone No : 9750956802, 9750956809, 9994176424

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